About Me...
Hi, I'm Caitlyn Juhl
I am the creator and head coach of the CMJFitness program. Health & fitness has been a passion of mine for 5+ years. I want to help people figure out what health & fitness means to them so they can realize how it can become a big impact in their everyday life. Due to the lack of knowledge and the toxicity society has brought towards the industry, I set out to create a SUSTAINABLE lifestyle, wrapped up into a program, personalized for you, that I can give to others. If you are looking for a "quick fix", this is not the place. The way to achieve your goals is by focusing on the long term goal to reach the short term goal, by finding the balance and being consistent and challenging yourself. You have to be able to enjoy the process while doing it. If this is something you have been searching for, then go ahead and apply!
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